Together we will change the way your business works.

About me

I’ve been helping executives gain clarity, make hard decisions and focus on the right things for over 20 years. I’ve worked all sides of business and industry – as an inside executive, an outside consultant, an investor, and founder of three of my own businesses. My experience and knowledge of holistic success and failure in business strategy, leadership, alignment and execution has earned me the credibility to partner and consult on a variety of business problems. The results from those engagements have earned me the trust of repeat business and referrals.

Learn more

Here are some ways I can help:

  • Organizational Diagnostic to identify root problems
  • Prioritized execution and change management plans
  • Business model transformation
  • Leadership team assessment and transformation
  • Strategy facilitation and alignment
  • Organizational structure transformation and alignment
  • Business maturity and growth assessment and planning
  • Communication strategy
  • Resource assessment and reallocation
  • Business Enablement through process and tools
  • Employee & customer experience journeys
  • Board Advisor / Board Support
  • Interim Executive

How I Do It

I take a holistic approach to understanding your business.

I take the time to understand your end-to-end, bottom-to-top organization.

This allows me to understand your value chain, uncover root issues

and understand how one change may impact the whole organism.

Business problems are rarely the result of a single function, process, or person,

and they are rarely rooted in the company’s culturally-accepted assumptions.


First, the right problem must be identified. This is done through a deep-dive discovery along every step of the value chain.


Once the opportunities are identified a strategy is created to determine what must be done and how to do it.


A plan is nothing until everyone understands it, believes in it, and is clear on their personal responsibility in executing it.


To achieve transformative results, leaders must stay committed to the plan and exhibit discipline to follow through and possess the ability to lead and manage change.


Get There Faster by SLOWING DOWN

| Leadership, Strategy | No Comments
Last week I told you the #1 reason most business plans fail. The executive summary from that article is this: You’re doing too much. Today, I want to share a…

Get More Done By Doing Less

| Productivity, Strategy | No Comments
Have you heard the expression “going nowhere fast”? I’ve felt the pain of that so many times, both as a corporate executive and as an entrepreneur. Let me tell ya,…

Bloom Where You’re Planted…But First, Pull The Weeds

| Leadership | No Comments
I’ve always loved the saying “bloom where your planted.” It’s much more effective (and much faster) to reach your goals from your existing situation than to change your starting point.…